Saturday, March 16, 2013

3D Japanese garden

Recently, I have started working on making an entire 3D scene/environment of a Japanese garden concept I researched and created. 

This was my finished concept painting for my garden:

I am excited to create more objects and  this scene in its 3D glory. I hope I can learn and teach myself a lot while carryout this project and look more into things such as paint effects in maya, strengthen my modelling skills, create interesting and strong textures, and explore more advanced and new lighting techniques.
I'll be uploading some of my 3D models I have so far soon!

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Welcome to my little portfolio site. My name is Joelle Riccobono and I am an artist currently enrolled at University of Central FL majoring in computer animation.
I made this blog as a way for me to showcase my work and document what I've been working on and will work on in the future.

Thanks for stopping by!